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Studio Electronics - Anaphonic

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At Studio Electronics, artists, producers, designers, manufacturers creatives, and the dynamic partnerships we create together matter most; they enable and nurture mutual success. This core belief, present at the 1981 founding of S. E. by partners papa Val St. Regis and multi-platform design Guru Tim Caswell (at the old Sunset ‘n’ Gower S.I.R. Rehearsal Studios in Hollywood), remains our guiding force. Val’s sons Greg and Marc joined the team in 1985 and 1989 respectively, and ultimately (to radically jump cut) the first monophonic, programmable, discrete “Premium Quality Analog” synth, the SE-1, was born. Since then Studio Electronics, under the direction of Analogia Inc., has shaped and maintained the continuity and vibrancy of Analog Synth design and manufacturing worldwide (thanks in large part to the house that Michael built?a story for another day), by creating and shaping potent Analog sound with enduring value, and allowing for an essential give-and-take between our business partners, customers, and friends. We’ve found this to be nothing short of a transformational experience, and one in which Mary St. Regis (mom) shared and contributed vibrantly and generously as well?who could forget her voice and love? Studio Electronics current collaborators include Pittsburgh Modular, Slate Digital, Slate Pro Audio, Marc Sirguy of Eowave, and Space Hardware.



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